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MAPS Sponsored Expanded Access MDMA Project Team
(Expanded access is now closed.  Please stay tuned for updates on MDMA assisted therapy)

Raymond Turpin

Raymond Turpin, Psy.D.

Lead Therapist & Principal Investigator

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Caronline Lewis, M.D.

Primary Investigator

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Kim Skelton


Image 9-16-21 at 1.02 PM.jpeg

Laura Pate

Research Assistant & Site Coordinator

Natalie Lembeck

Natalie Lembeck

Research Assistant & Site Coordinator

Overnight Attendant

Frank Starling

Frank Starling

Overnight Attendant

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Julia Rodriguez

Overnight Attendant

Image by Ivana Cajina

"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise."

Victor Hugo

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